Friday 25 January 2013

Here comes the rain again.....

Its been a bit of a week one why and another......

The snow has scarpered any attempts of me doing any serious walking...... or partaking with fat joggers. That has meant I have been unable to release any of my endorphins (I Love endorphins). So tomorrow, I will embark on changing that...... just across the road is a rather smart gym complex, which will soon be opening a new swimming pool. I will possibly put my name down for some that! No excuse then not to workout come rain, shine or slush. Then off to sportsdirect to purchase possibly two pairs of trainers, I'm feeling flush. In the afternoon, I will be running around after my nephew, in the hope that I can burn off the energy that works so well at keeping him up all night, which in turn means that I don't sleep either.

Can I just say, most of the time I sleep soundly and when I wake up I resemble a tall sloth like creature. Now, when my nephew stays, if I hear him fall out of bed, I move like a gazelle. I get rather impressed at the speed. I can't move like that during normal waking hours. It really is something to witness! The funny thing is I move the same where when my nephew, at 2am, demands "Aunty Moo - Milk!" There is a draw back to this, I forget to remind Jacob my nephew that he is missing a very important word. PLEASE..... 

He is going through a phase of not sleeping, I need to make plans to run some of this excess energy down. This could mean a trip to sainsburys, to make him walk miles. Sainsburys are currently stocking Cars 2 diecast models, some of which my nephew doesn't have. I can spend the £50 vouchers that British Telecommunications kindly gave me for upgrading my broadband to infinity. I do like an added bonus.

So in true time honoured tradition its off to bed for me - have a good weekend y'all xx

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