Saturday 9 February 2013

Procrastinating Me.......

Early morning wake up this morning. Which has exasperated my feelings of exhaustion and drainage from the week that I have just been dragged through. Running out of steam very rapidly. I was planning on going to the gym and starting on my assignment today. I had to rethink my day, so after completion of the weekend cooking for meals of the week! and 3 loads of washing, feeding myself and my nephew. I settled down in front of Daniel Craig and slept for 3 hours. Not great when you have an assignment deadline date looming and you really must start exercising more (cos lets face it, I ain't getting any younger and my body is getting heavier!)

Food seems to be taking over my life again, well more the interest in the way it tastes. I will blame that on the fact that I gave up smoking and I can now taste how food should be experienced. One problem, I seem to have developed a sweet tooth!

I noticed that I had purchased a box of special k chilli snack things, which I thought was a good idea. 21 individual crisp like entities = 93 calories. But the box contains more than 21 CLE's. So if you have an impulsive nature, as I do, how are you expected to just open the box and leave it at 21! Or the other thing, are you really going to stand in your kitchen and count crisps! Why couldn't they just put the damn things in pre-weighed packaging! It's not as if they put much thought into the packaging...... I mean one cardboard box, and a foil bag on the inside. Too much to think about really.

Tomorrow, I will embark on a game of badminton, and maybe sometime in the gym. Not sure if I should book in on Monday for an extra Pilates class. I'm still feeling the pain from the last session. Really enjoyed it, so may have to do yoga too. Anything to ease the joints and keep things balanced. And actually tone my body to lesser the need for a tummy bra! I'm hoping for a better body shape, so rather than a retangle I would like to obtain a couple of trangles...... you can tell I have done the maths on this one!!!


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