Wednesday 24 April 2013

Oh the drama

OMG.... What can I say some people just can't handle pain.

So as any good friend, I have come with my friend Ellie to support her through the simplest procedure available on the NHS. The insertion of a heart monitor.

So we arrive at the hospital with time to spare, and we go through the process of waiting in the waiting room, not for long. Called into the day surgery ward where the usual checks are carried out, blood pressure good - wonderful saturation levels.... Then out comes the cannula time to find a vain.... First attempt and the nurse is a little unfriendly tries to insert the the needle and starts saying that its bent and Ellie turns a funny colour, and starts complaining that she feels sick, the complaint turns to 'I feel faint'. Then the alarm starts going as Ellie slumps in the chair, I start thinking oh here we go, and move away form the bed to make room for the invading group of staff nurses to gather and move Ellie on to the floor in a health and safety manner, I was very impressed with the speed in which it happened you could almost liken it to the formula one pit stops only Ellie wasn't going to be speeding away once they finished.
There was a certain amount of confusion when Ellie came to - she couldn't figure out why she couldn't hear bird song! Then the realisation that she was in fact on the floor of a hospital ward with a bunch of smurfs surrounding her! (nurses in blue scrubs)


After she recovered and was relocated on the bed, it took another 3 attempts over a two hour period to successfully insert the cannula. I do believe the whole process was dependent on looks. As it was a young doctor called Alex who managed to tap Ellie. Typical ....

What a lightweight.

The 'I feel faint' comment was repeated as the antibiotics and flush was administered...... but thanks to Rebecca, the lovely nurse, a relapse was avoided.

The rest of the time there was otherwise pretty uneventful. :) xx

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