Sunday 3 March 2013

Therapeutic weekend, what's gone well..........

Funny old weekend, yesterday Friday 1st March, I had to go to hospital. I was experiencing some weird sharp pain on the right hand side of my head, which had actually started the afternoon before. As it was something I had never before experienced I was getting a little concerned, it could have been a stroke. Thing was I was doing all the tests, smiling lifting my arms above my head, talking to myself.... Which I do quite regularly! So I wouldn't have been about to say if I was having issues talking because my brain would have just thought it I was being normal. So any way, wanting to play it on the safe side, I decided to seek medical advice. But first thing first, I took my motorcycle to be serviced. Not the best call in the world when you think you may have some kind of physical head issue. Well got the bike to the garage. Pat Watts in Bridgwater and walked to the minor injuries unit.... This gave me the opportunity to assess the situation fully. Why I had not previously been able to take this sensible approach to the situation, I am unable to say. Shakes, fuzzy head, weird sharp pain to the right hand side of my head. A migraine, I haven't had one in the last twelve months.

My Motorcycle, her name is Moo!
After having my self-diagnoses concurred with a fellow medical expert (Can I say that as a qualified First Aider?) I was able to carry on with my day, with a mammoth sense of relief, and popping the pain killers like smarties. I was even able to work and play badminton... Weird migraine! Just need to eliminate the cause to stop it happening again!

Saturday morning, new pool opens for the first time, so me and my gym buddy head off 10 minutes early to join the gathering masses at 7.50 for the first early bird session.... Guess what, we were the first ones there. Result. So anyway, we commence our swimming session, my buddy setting herself a goal of 40 lengths of the pool. A task which at the time I think is a really good idea. Until I have completed one length..... I come to the conclusion that I must work on my technique rather that quantitative I'm going to work on qualitative. I had a really wonderful coach when I was at Primary School. All I needed to do was remember what he said..... but  lets face it, I find it difficult to remember what happened yesterday let alone 30 odd years ago. The results of my swimming are as follows

  • Front crawl - Successfully executed 1 length = out of breath.
  • Back crawl - Successfully executed 3/4 length = out of breath.
  • Breast stroke - EPIC FAIL.
  • Doggy Paddle - EPIC FAIL..... surprise result.
So the conclusions that have been reached so far are after most exercises that have been completed, jogging was EPIC FAIL thanks to my Achilles heel. Pilates successful but must work on my technique. CORE I will have to come back to at some point but the first and only time almost killed me, issues were sweat, ability and my glasses sliding down my nose at every possible opportunity! Yoga, is booked for Thursday, I will be expecting at least one black eye if not two. I have no balance so I anticipate falling flat on my face a few times. Working out in the gym is getting easier, although I still think the machines in there are so form of mordern torture. Badminton I'm making great headway, wonderful success really and I'm remembering some of the old tricks. Overall, I'm doing well, But my stamina is just non-existent, unless its hitting a shuttlecock!

The best thing about this weekend, My motorcycle is now running very smoothly and not sounding like a tactor before the service.

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