Sunday 10 March 2013

I'm laundering money!

What a packed weekend, not only have I been involved with laundering money but I have had issues at speed!
This weekend started early, I took friday off to clean and wait in for Dan, the boiler service man!! More a boy actually. There goes another £50 that I could have done without parting with. But sadly this is what it boils down to, Motorcycle service and boiler service all in the same month. LIFE I'M NOT MADE OF MONEY!
 I do have to say a friend threw me a bit of a life line when sheasked me to walk her dogs. I am not sure if I impressed my friend with the state of her dogs on our return but I do have to say its great therapy to end up this dirty.........
So having been paid very handsomely for the epic walk, I placed the foldy stuff in my rear pocket. I walked home to get the hose out and clean off the boots, as soon as the front door was closed, I stripped off and started the weekend washing ritual. BUGGER I'M LAUNDERING MONEY. That sort of thing is illegal! Funny really how money feels when you take it out of the wet pocket of your jeans. At least it drys quicker than the pair of jeans that I had on!
The walk was so satisfying it was the fresh air workout that I had so long for over the winter months. It helps so much with my truly lacking vitamin D that causes such things as SAD, it made me feel that little bit more chipper.  
Friday night, and my nephew came to stay. Which is great for me cause I cook the most amazing meals. Well proper meals, amazing might be slightly over exaggerating my talents. So the plan of action was to be up early to head to the new pool for 8am. Sadly we were late because we had to take my sisters dog back to her house and I woefully underestimated the time it would take to do that. So we waited till 10am for the generally opening hours.....
I was look forward to teaching my nephew how to swim, I didn't realise how much work it was going to be. Firstly I had to deal with the huge disappointment that we couldn't go in at 8.20.  Getting changed was uneventful there was a certain excitement with getting in the little training pool, but  then there was the loo incident. Having been in the pool for five minutes the little man piped up that he needed the loo again! so that was fine off we went, now as my nephew is only 3 he was having difficulties with taking his trunks off, so he ask for some help which I dutifully did, but I noticed he hadn't lifted the seat so I started to lift it, the thing was just as I lifted he lowered his head - yes you can tell his head met loo seat and it resulted in tears (and guilt on my part).
After that little piece of excitement, the rest of our time at the pool just a bit of fun...... when he started to turn blue I thought it would be a good idea to go!
When we got back to my house the idea was he's help me cook pie! Within minutes he was......
So I made a pie..... a weird curry pie! Chicken, bacon, onions, mushroons and a secret sauce..... with a pie top. It was wonderful.
Sunday, mothers day and as a dutiful daughter I popped over for lovely lunch at my mum and dads. I had a wonderful time, until I returned home on my motorcycle. It had started raining, and it was cold. Not a good combination, rain I can deal with, cold I can deal with, both together. Lets just say the results just ain't pretty.  A long a particularly fast piece of my return journey I was hit by, what seemed to be, a ninja of a rain drop.... I wouldn't usually complain but it hit head on my pierced nipple. The resulting pain would knock any normal individual out. However after a few choice words I managed to shake it off! 
Tomorrow back to work......

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